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Heavenly Nudges {PAINTINGS}
"AWAKEN THE FLAME MINISTRIES" ...... is the Ministry Name the Lord gave and birthed in 2013. It came straight with the revelation of HOPE, proceeding from His Love (Rom.5:5) during a hard time of personal crisis and brokeness. But in the midst of it -even after- the Lord Himself restored Hope, Vision and a Childlike Faith for a brighter future. This has been the starting-point of personal breakthrough and victory with Him, as well the cause of a growing Desire to see many revived, restored - and given (back) a "Crown of Beauty, instead of ashes". We have received over the years the grace and heart to see people being Encouraged and Discipled in the Word and Ways of God. To actually FAN THE FLAME, that is to stirr up or motivate & activate believers in different nations, as this lines up with the Fathering Apostolic Call for nations, like a modern-day Abraham and Sarah. Our heart and goal is to see "many Sons being raised to Glory (transforming into His bright Image)", so that the world truly sees Christ in them by the Love they have received from Papa God and share in common with others! Further in the Missionfield of the World, we have noticed a special assignment and heart begin to expand in God for the continent of Africa, starting with a great love for Kenya. Our trips to this place do carry Father's Heart to disciple nations in the Ways of His pure Love, but also through long-term quality-relationships discover unique opportunities to reach out Practical in acts of kind service. Mostly through a special covenant friendship existing in Kenya, which began to develop during the Youth With A Mission school in 2006. For 12 years this connection has been kept, and lately seems to become totally fresh as new, upgraded and favored of the Lord in the communication & corporation - which has led since the start of 2018 to the point of seeing a GREATER LAUNCHING FORTH in terms of serving, helping & lifting one another in the Corporate Apostolic Call to disciple and especially invest in the younger rising generation. What we do at home in The Netherlands in fascilitating for people, and being a great encouragement and inspiration through Holy Spirit in Europe -- lately seems to quickly gain momentum in finding it's release in our hearts and passion for serving the African people. A similar task became clearer as the Father began to speak about "Building and Restoring of Noah's Ark" in Africa as here at home. To actually become available in His Love and to be a spiritual house/family of refuge, hope, comfort and peace. The exciting news is that the Father is globallly -everywhere- now building HIS spiritual house/temple, in which we joyfully are participating in with the body of His people.
** Because the Lord has gifted Henrike with the gift of painting and writing, as well anointed John to be a creative communicator and activator for this new generation that's rising in the lands, they've lately decided to combine and put their gifts & skillsets more together as a Couple Team Ministry in a more complementing way in their partnership with the King. Their conviction is that much in their "Creative Business" will do very well or is more succesful as it waters or (self) - supports the volunteering work of the ministry done in the Nations. You'll be surely a great Support and Blessing - by investing in their creative products or services, as it directly goes into the work of discipleship and missions in the nations, mostly in Africa. Whether you'd like to regularly or as through one-time-giving stand with "Awaken The Flame Ministries" in generous donations or directly desire to stand with John and Henrike in the missionfield of the Nations by investing through purchasing some of their Creative Works, both are so much appreciated and welcomed, as it does really EXPAND THE KINGDOM OF LOVE in this world, which is their greatest dream and desire. Everything they 'now' do and keep pursuiing is deeply grounded in the secure love of Abba Father, who has given birth to so much new things in their personal lives and journeys with Him and each other, as well lately is being more followed by prophetic signs of wisdom and revelation, including healing miracles touching the earth. Also it's their heart's desire to that become common in the body of the Lord. They wish you as visiters/friends on their public platforms great delight of Abba and everlasting joy that won't ever end anymore !!!! **
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